Lunchbox Notes Printable

School is hard…...

My oldest son, Levi, had a really hard school year last year. After full-time virtual school his Kindergarten year, he was finally back in the classroom and it was ROUGH to say the least. While the year started out with a bang, pretty quickly we were having issues with conflict amongst classmates.

As much as I wanted to sit in the back of his class to play mama bear and give on demand hugs, I had to let my little one spread his wings a bit. I started leaving encouraging notes in his lunchbox everyday for school as my way of letting him know that Mommy was there, thinking of him and there to swoop him up in an instant if he needed me. Every day at pickup, I noticed he had kept his notes tucked away in his backpack and pretty soon he had a huge pile of notes I had written. I could cry just thinking about it. Sweet boy cherished every word!

I’m not a parenting expert by any means but I do know that our little ones need our affirmation. They believe what we tell them and, in the early years, the words we say become their internal voice. So friend, I encourage you to spend some time building up your kiddos today. (I’m preaching to the choir here!) I know you are exhausted, overstimulated, tired of repeating yourself and honestly just plain busy…but try your best to take some time today to connect with your little one. Give them a big hug and tell them one thing you admire about them, notice something they’re working hard at and compliment them, leave a note in their lunchbox to find during the day…..the options are endless! I’ve made it easier on us by making lunch box notes to print and add to their lunch. Fill them out or if you’re pressed for time in the morning like I usually am, use a prefilled one. (Click here to print the pdf version) Try it for a week and let me know how it goes!

Until next time

xoxo, Whit